hearing measurements
tinnitus detection
Detecting tinnitus in animal models involves behavioral tests that assess changes in their auditory perception and response. One commonly used method is the gap detection test (GPIAS: Gap Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Reflex), where animals are trained to recognize and respond to the presence or absence of a silent gap in a continuous sound. Tinnitus can lead to impaired gap detection, as animals may have difficulty perceiving the silent interval. By observing alterations in their behavior, researchers gain valuable insights into the presence and severity of tinnitus, allowing for the development and testing of potential therapeutic interventions.
Cilcare leverages a decade of experience in conducting GPIAS measurements on tinnitus rat models (data collection and analysis, interpretation) ensuring accurate and reliable results in tinnitus research.
Cilcare combines GPIAS with Pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) method for a comprehensive approach to accurately detect tinnitus and hearing loss in preclinical models.
The Prepulse Inhibition (PPI) test is a behavioral assay commonly used in neuroscience and psychological research to assess sensorimotor gating in rodents. PPI specifically measures the reduction in the startle response to a strong sensory stimulus (the “pulse”) when it is preceded by a weaker, non-startling stimulus (the “prepulse”). This test aims to assess an animal’s ability to perceive the background noise and gaps used in GPIAS testing.
Cilcare has adapted the PPI test to specifically and precisely assess hyperacusis, a heightened sensitivity to sound. This test enables to investigate the neural and behavioral mechanisms of hyperacusis and evaluate the effect of drug candidates.