CILcare’s first face to face Scientific Committee has been held on July 29 & 30, 2015 in the area of Montpellier (France) in presence  (by alphabetic order) of Dr. Bernard BOURRIE, Dr. Yves CAZALS, Dr. Arnaud NORENA, Dr. Richard SALVI and CILcare’s Board (Celia Belline, Dr. Sylvie Cosnier-Pucheu and Dr. Marie-Pierre Pasdelou).
The objectives of the meeting were fully reached with a deep review of CILcare’s offer to enhance Cilcare’s models and services based on the scientific committee’s advice and experience sharing.
The first day was focused on animal models of noise induced hearing loss (protocols for permanent and temporary threshold shifts), drug-induced ototoxicity and read-outs in tinnitus models. The meeting ended by an open discussion on pharmacological targets to treat hearing loss and the options for CILcare’s clients.
A visit of the laboratory facilities was organized by our engineers Philippe Larroze-Chicot (lab manager) and Aurore Marie on the second day.
We thank  our mentors for their very active participation and their precious contribution to CILcare’s excellence and a big thank to our great team for their continuous involvement in the development of their CILcare company.