Meet CILcare at the Annual meeting of preclinical research AFSSI Connexions on July 2-3, 2019 in Lyon.
Join Celia Belline, CEO, Dr. Sylvie Pucheu, CSO, and Dr. Wahid Awad, Director of Business Strategy and Alliances, at our booth to learn more about CILcare’s offer to support your drug developement in ear disorders.
July 2, 2019 | 4:00 PM – Round table discussion guided by Celia BELLINE, CEO
July 3,2019 | 10:00 AM – Wahid AWAD, Ph.D, Director of Business Strategy and Alliances
We will be pleased to discuss about potential business opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a meeting.
About AFSSI Connexions
AFSSI Connexions will gather 300 ecosystem stakeholders during two dense and productive days. Benefit from multiple opportunities to find the skills, know-how and innovations that Life Sciences stakeholders need!
- Tuesday July 2: series of round table with themes: Business development strategies, Marketplace, International > Switzerland, Research Tax Credit, Growth and competitiveness.
- Wednesday, July 3: Business convention day and presentations resolutely business oriented. Develop your business and relationships with your colleagues, centre of excellence, platforms and sponsors.