CILcare at the Young Research Fellows Meeting on February 20-22, 2019 in Paris


CILcare will be attenting the Young Research Fellows Meeting on February 20-22, 2019 in Paris.

Come and meet CILcare’s Project Manager Dr. Sergio Gonzales to discover our poster describing role of melatonin in the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss.

Hearing loss is the most common form of sensory impairment in humans, affecting 466 million people worldwide. Preventing noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) by antioxidants is based on the hypothesis that generation of reactive oxygen species is one of the causes of NIHL. Melatonin, which is a secretary product of the pineal gland is a powerful antioxidant and a free radical scavenger.

Read CILcare’s publications and scientific journal articles related to hearing disorders.

About YRFM

The YRFM Young Research Fellows Meeting is an initiative of the French Medicinal Chemistry Society (SCT). The 25th edition in Orleans gathered 250 young participants from Europe. The 26th edition will take place at the School of Pharmacy in Paris.
The topics will cover all aspects of research in medicinal chemistry: the research and validation of biological targets of therapeutic interest, screening, design, optimization and selection of drug candidates, chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, metabolism and toxicity (ADME-T: absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, toxicity).
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