Together to fight against hearing loss and tinnitus
CILcare’s Scientific Committee has been held on October 18, 2016 in presence (by alphabetic order) of Dr. Yves CAZALS, Dr. Arnaud NORENA, Dr. Richard SALVI and the whole CILcare’s scientific team : Veronique Baudoux, Dr. Sylvie Cosnier-Pucheu, Dr. Sergio Gonzalez, Philippe Larroze-Chicot, Dr. Susanna Malmström, Aurore Marie, Dr. Gaëlle Naert and Dr. Marie-Pierre Pasdelou
The objectives of the meeting were fully reached with a deep review of CILcare’s offer to enhance Cilcare’s models and services based on the scientific committee’s advice and experience sharing.
The first part of the meeting was focused on cell lines, explant models and biomarkers now available at CILcare. The second part was dedicated to the presentation of newly implemented electrophysiological measurements including spontaneous firing on animal models of noise and drug- induced tinnitus.
A big thank to all the participants for their continuous involvement in CILcare Excellence making CILcare the world-leading CRO dedicated to drug development in hearing disorders !