Cilcare Awarded €4.2 million to combat the global epidemic of hidden hearing loss, as part of the France 2030 Plan’s “i-Démo” call for projects

Cilcare awarded €4.2 million with i-Démo call for projects
  • Through the ‘i-Démo’ call for projects under the France 2030 plan, operated by Bpifrance on behalf of the French government, Cilcare is further consolidating its international leadership by being the first biotech to launch a diagnostic aid for synaptopathy and to clinically validate the efficacy of CIL001, an innovative drug for the treatment of this condition affecting 15% of the population.
  • Cilcare is one of 600 French companies to have been selected, and has received €4.2 million in funding, 40% of which in the form of grants, as well as the Bpifrance Excellence label.
  • Cilcare is revolutionizing the diagnosis and treatment of synaptopathy through advanced auditory science and artificial intelligence.

Montpellier, France – June 27th, 2024 – Cilcare, a biotechnology company specializing in auditory sciences and the development of new therapies for hearing disorders and associated diseases, is proud to announce that its SAIPHIE project has been selected as part of the “i-Démo” call for projects under the France 2030 plan, operated by Bpifrance on behalf of the French government. This project represents a strategic cornerstone for Cilcare, leveraging its unique expertise to use auditory sciences in the definition, detection, and early treatment of synaptopathy.

Synaptopathy, an early sign of age-related hearing loss, manifests as difficulty hearing in noisy environments. Currently, no medication on the market can treat this condition. It represents a major global medical challenge, severely threatening the auditory health of new generations, exacerbated by noise and aging. This pathology impacts over 1 billion young people and affects 10 to 15% of the adult population worldwide. These figures are likely underestimated due to the lack of systematic measurement, as synaptopathy often goes undiagnosed.

Currently undetectable by standard audiograms, synaptopathy is also more prevalent in individuals with chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, which are on the rise globally. Patients with conditions such as type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, for which auditory monitoring is already recommended, exhibit higher rates of synaptopathy.

Since its inception in 2014, Cilcare has been expanding its portfolio to address this unmet need through three strategic pillars: an innovative technology platform operating from Montpellier and Boston, a pipeline of drug candidates, and the utilization of auditory data. This data exploitation is supported by a proprietary algorithm combined with artificial intelligence, advancing translational research.

The SAIPHIE project currently operates on two strategic fronts:

  1. An integrated product approach: combining a synaptopathy diagnostic aid tool with a first-in-class medication, both of which are independent once on the market.
  2. An innovative clinical strategy: targeting subpopulations of synaptopathy patients, streamlining recruitment through their existing management for other chronic conditions.

Cilcare has developed an Auditory Analytics department dedicated to patient recruitment for synaptopathy, leveraging historical preclinical data and observational clinical trials. Their AI-powered auditory signature tool, currently at an advanced stage, is utilized daily in clinical trials with clear objectives: identifying synaptopathy and correlating it with disease severity.

The initial findings from their type 2 diabetes study, based on this strategy, have validated Cilcare’s hypotheses. They have demonstrated that their platform can link blood biomarkers to auditory data. Consequently, Cilcare stands as the sole entity capable of identifying synaptopathy patients and deriving insights from this tool.

For further information, please contact: Philippine Vullierme, PR Consultant: (+33


About Cilcare

Cilcare is a biotechnology company specialized in auditory sciences, focusing on the early definition, detection, and treatment of synaptopathy in neurocognitive and inflammatory diseases. Founded by three women, former executives of Sanofi, it now brings together an experienced team of 29 international collaborators supported by a scientific advisory board. Based in Montpellier and Boston (US), Cilcare is developing its own portfolio of drug candidates, leveraging its next-generation platform based on Artificial Intelligence and real-world data, its unique expertise in preclinical development, and its ability to harness generated data in clinical development strategy.

Since its establishment in 2014, Cilcare has also played a key role in accelerating drug development for auditory disorders, providing its R&D technology platform to industry and academic stakeholders in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

About the France 2030 Investment Plan

  • The France 2030 Investment Plan embodies a dual ambition: to transform key sectors of our economy (healthcare, energy, automotive, aerospace, and space) through technological innovation, and to position France not only as a player but as a leader in the world of tomorrow. From fundamental research to the emergence of an idea to the production of a new product or service, France 2030 supports the entire life cycle of innovation until its industrialization.
  • Unprecedented in scale: €54 billion will be invested to ensure that our companies, universities, and research organizations fully succeed in their transitions in these strategic sectors. The aim is to enable them to competitively address the ecological challenges and attractiveness of the emerging world, and to foster the emergence of future leaders in our fields of excellence. France 2030 is defined by two transversal objectives: to allocate 50% of its expenditure to decarbonizing the economy, and 50% to emerging actors, promoting innovation without adverse effects on the environment (in line with the Do No Significant Harm principle).
  • Implemented collectively: France 2030 is designed and deployed in consultation with economic, academic, local, and European stakeholders to determine its strategic orientations and flagship actions. Project sponsors are invited to submit their applications through open, rigorous, and selective procedures to benefit from state support.
  • Led by the General Secretariat for Investment on behalf of the Prime Minister and implemented by the Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), the National Research Agency (ANR), Bpifrance, and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC).

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About Bpifrance

Bpifrance finances companies at every stage of their development – in credit, guarantees, and equity. It supports them in their innovation projects and international endeavors. Bpifrance now also ensures their export activity through a wide range of products.

Advice, university support, networking, and acceleration programs for startups, SMEs, and mid-sized companies are also part of the offerings provided to entrepreneurs. With Bpifrance and its 50 regional offices, entrepreneurs benefit from a close, unique, and effective interlocutor to help them face their challenges. | | @BpifrancePresse | @Bpifrance

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